B u i l d i n g   C o m m u n i t y

T h r o u g h   t h e   A r t   o f   P l a c e

Rotterdam BOA Land Use Master Plan

Rotterdam, New York


The Land Use Master Plan for Rotterdam’s Brownfield Opportunity Area focused on creating and improving linkages. A key feature is a safe railroad crossing and trail expansion to close a gap in the Mohawk-Hudson Bike Hike Trail. Other important recommendations of the Master Plan include the development of multiple “street type” cross sections to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity along Rt. 5S and the utilization of large Canal Corporation parcels along the Mohawk River for passive recreational uses. The Master Plan also identifies land-use opportunities for redevelopment within Rotterdam Junction and the incorporation of a multi-purpose loop trail that would provide access to the proposed recreation areas along the Mohawk River, as well as providing key connections to the Mohawk-Hudson Bike Hike Trail and other cultural and commercial assets within the Village.

Work done by Mary Moore Wallinger while employed by Synthesis Architects, LLP. © Synthesis Architects LLP.