B u i l d i n g C o m m u n i t y
T h r o u g h t h e A r t o f P l a c e
Rebuild Prattsville Vision
Prattsville, New York
As part of the volunteer recovery effort following the devastating flooding of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, River Street Planning & Development of Troy, New York; Place Alliance of Orlando, Florida; and Synthesis of Schenectady, NY; led a larger design team of local consultants to conduct a one-week design workshop. The workshop was highlighted by a 3-day intensive design charrette, which included a public Visioning Workshop and public “Storefront” sessions where the public, key stakeholders and the steering committee were invited to ‘stop-in’ and view the design effort and offer direct input and feedback.
The concept plan focused on redevelopment that would enable new businesses and residents the ability to develop “up and out” of the base flood elevation. This objective was accomplished by the creation of a quintessential Town Commons that would permit the new development to be located above the flood elevation by wrapping around the ‘green’. A new Traditional Neighborhood would be located behind the mixed-use center surrounding the “commons” further uphill. The plan also featured a new active recreation complex with a community center building, a multi-purpose river walk and a redeveloped civic hub area along the existing Main Street.
Work contributed to by Mary Moore Wallinger while employed by Synthesis Architects, LLP. © Synthesis Architects LLP.