B u i l d i n g   C o m m u n i t y

T h r o u g h   t h e   A r t   o f   P l a c e

Brant Lake and Adirondack Hamlet Master Plans

Horicon, New York


The Hamlet Master Plans for Adirondack and Brant Lake were designed to assist Horicon in developing a public pedestrian infrastructure and visual identity that will complement the community’s own future vision. The plans seek to ensure the long-term success of the hamlets by expanding public parks, improving vehicular and pedestrian circulation and fostering a stronger relationship between commercial and civic structures. Suggested aesthetic, environmental, economic, social and public safety improvements focus on maintaining these small town centers as healthy and vibrant Adirondack hamlets.

Work done by Mary Moore Wallinger while employed by Synthesis Architects, LLP. © Synthesis Architects LLP.